How It Works

Wild Iris Editing

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     When you and Kit decide to work on a piece or writing together, the first thing you do is discuss what type of feedback you're looking for and the area where she can be most helpful.  Are you concerned that your characters aren't well-rounded?  Do you have trouble spelling?  Do you want to know if the dialogue is realistic?  Kit can help you with all these things and more.
     Next, you send Kit your piece and she reads through it several times.  If you've emailed her your work, she can editing it on the computer and email it back, or you can send her a hard copy which she will mark and return.  She creates a set of feedback notes based on the kind of feedback you've asked for.  If you are consulting, you and Kit will either meet in person or you can call her on the phone to discuss the work and ask any questions you might have.  Feedback notes could include grammatical and spelling corrections, points where clarification or attention are called for, questions the reader is left with, discussions of the story, characters, and themes, ideas about where to go next, samples of the writing of other, articles on writing, and always--points of excellence.
     Kit loves her work and appreciates her clients.  You are always welcome to call and ask questions about how she works or what services she offers.