Wild Iris Editing

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Wild Iris Editing offers everything a usual editing service provides - proof-reading, thematic and developmental advice, preparating for submission, typing - with one important extra: heart.  Kit Willihnganz is committed to helping authors bring their stories into the world in the finest form possible, whether you're writing for publication or you own delight.  She understands that writing is an emotional process as well as a craft and provides a supportive and encouraging companion for the journey.

Traditional Editing
      Kit believes firmly that the only criticism worth hearing is constructive criticism.  She takes the time to explain why a given section of text isn't doing what you, the author, intend it to do, and suggests ways to strengthen and clarify your message.  Her role isn't to judge your work but to identify where it can be shaped to more easily bring the truth of your story across.  The fundamental purposes of grammar and spelling are to allow clear communication between the author and the reader, and all of Kit's feedback stresses that ideal.
     In addition to traditional editing, Kit offers encouragement and emotional support for writers.  Whether you're a first-time author looking for someone to show you the ropes, a seasoned writer searching for new ideas, or a professional who wants assistance preparing your work for publication, Kit can help you tap into your creative energy and get those projects moving.  A writer herself, she understands that the act of writing is only one part of the writing process and provides tools to blast through writer's block, conquer fear, and help you find your authentic voice.

Do you...
  • Have a story you want to tell?
  • Want honest, thoughtful, caring feedback about your work?
  • Want to write, but don't know how to begin?
  • Want help polishing your work in preparation for submission?
  • Need a fresh perspective?

Are you looking for...

  • Support telling your story?
  • A way to express yourself?
  • A guide to help you find your authentic voice?
  • Spelling and grammar correction, thematic analysis, typing, or proof-reading?
